Athletes and Media: a “Love-Hate” Relationship

In the world of sports, athletes and media can have a “love-hate” relationship. That’s why, for athletes, having a support system that keeps them grounded and provides perspective without pressure or negative influence is crucial. However, it can be challenging because those around athletes also need to be resilient and prepared to handle external pressures. This post discusses the importance of a robust support system and how both athletes and their supporters (parents, relatives, coaches) need to be mentally trained or at least aware to navigate the highs and lows of sports, especially for very young athletes.

What challenges can athletes & their support system face?

External Pressure: Athletes and their supporters face significant pressure from media, fans, and even personal expectations;
Influence of Negative Feedback: Negative feedback (including from people close to you) can lead to self-doubt and decreased performance;
External Toxic Environment: When results are favorable, external support might be abundant (not always for the best interest of the athlete!). During tough times, athletes may face negativity and personal attacks.

The most effective thing for an athlete is to have a support system that keeps them grounded and helps put things into perspective without any kind of pressure or negative influence. It’s challenging because the people around the athlete must also be bulletproof, not influenced or affected themselves by external pressure. They should not unconsciously seed self-doubt in the athlete’s mind or false hopes.

Strategies for athletes to avoid toxic influence (especially for young athletes)

Athletes and media: a love-hate relationship that can significantly impacts their careers. Understanding how to navigate this complex dynamic is crucial for athletes to avoid the pitfalls of external pressures. Here are some strategies to help:

  1. Stay grounded: Always remember your core values and purpose. A grounded mindset helps maintain stability amidst fluctuating performance and external opinions. Remember, respect for yourself and others is fundamental. Arrogance is the last thing you need to show;
  2. Keep in mind your outcome: Focus on long-term goals to maintain motivation and perspective;
  3. Stay focused: Concentrate on your own progress and avoid distractions. Staying focused is key to consistent performance;
  4. Keep training hard, no matter what: Continuous effort and dedication to training are essential, regardless of the circumstances. Keep pushing!
  5. Practice mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness practices to manage self-doubt and stress. Techniques like meditation and deep breathing can help balance emotions and improve mental resilience. Mental training should be part of your daily routine;
  6. Avoid social media: Limit exposure to social media to reduce the impact of external opinions and negativity. Delegate this part to a trustworthy person. Remember, not everything has to be said or shown!

Special Considerations for Young Athletes:

Parental Guidance: Parents should be well-informed about the pressures their children face and actively support their mental well-being;
Age-Appropriate Training: Mental training programs should be tailored to the developmental stage of young athletes to ensure engagement and effectiveness. Parents should be aware of the impact, both good and bad, they can have on their child’s success. Emotional coaching training can be a bonus to help them navigate through the ups and downs of their child’s journey and within the family;
Positive Reinforcement: Encourage young athletes through positive feedback and support, focusing on effort rather than just results. Mentoring for parents of young athletes can be valuable and effective to manage positive reinforcement, check here below the resources;
Healthy Balance: Ensure young athletes maintain a healthy balance between sports, academics, and leisure activities to prevent burnout.


The importance of a “bulletproof support system” for athletes is crucial to navigate the pressures of their sport. Both athletes and their supporters must be mentally resilient and trained to handle the highs and lows, the pitfalls of fame. By staying grounded, focused, and practicing mental techniques, they can maintain their mental health and performance and handle media’s pressure.

At the end, you do it for YOU and that is the subtle recipe for toughness and greatness!

You should also like this, extra resources:

Mental toughness is the secret to success!

Mentoring for parents

Mental Training for young athletes, resources

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